285.5 lbs (dehydrated as hell)
0 miles today
Well I failed to mention this in the last post I'm asthmatic and have been since I was seven. Had nightly asthma attacks as a kid and never really could play any sports. Didn't get my asthma under control until after college and that wasn't until I found a GOOD doctor. I also seem to be allergic to everything. I am allergic ragweed, pollen of all sorts, cats, dogs, grass etcetera etcetera etcetera. Which when you're a runner honestly sucks. Three days a week I'm up and running at 4:30 in the morning with the snot running down my face. In the early spring and late fall seasons it's really quite comical because I have to snotsicles semi attached to my face. Oh yeah i'm damn near legally blind, have flat feet and somehow was born missing a chunk of cartilage in my left knee.
Back to childhood sports: I can run through all my athletic achievements in one pathetic paragraph. I played one year of little league baseball, wrestled for three years-5th grade through 8th, and played four years of high school football. The one year of little league was a disaster! In the future I'll have to post the picture. Let's just say this: A fat kid does not belong in stretchy white pants! As for the wrestling it was just as bad. I was young and had boobs and wore a wrestling singlet. Not a pretty sight by any ones definition. Three years of wrestling as a heavyweight against boys who were REAL heavyweights. They were tall and fat. I was kinda tall and kinda chubby. Last but not least lets talk about football. I love football it is and has always been my favorite sport. My dad coached Pop Warner football when I was a kid. I could never play though because my mom wouldn't let me due to the asthma and perceived violence. Guess what I love the sport but I honestly, in retrospect, really sucked. I never started one game not even freshman year. Check out these stats: I was 6 feet tall 220 lbs my freshman year. That's a starting left tackle if I've ever seen one. Nope. I was slow, out of shape and didn't really like all that running.
Look this isn't a pity party. All those things make me being able to run today very gratifying. Just the fact that I'm able to run at all is amazing to me. The fact that I actually enjoy doing it is even more crazy.
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