284 lbs (told you I was thirsty)
10.5 miles in last 7 days
Back in high school when I sat on the bench during football seasons 1-4 I got an injury during practice. Well it wasn't really an injury it was more of a discovery.My knee was swollen and always in pain. I went to a orthopedist who actually looked shocked when he lchecked out the x-rays. Turns out I was missing a chunk of cartilage in my left knee. Probably born this way. This along with my 280 + pound frame makes running a bit risky. Today I am paying for the last 8 weeks of training, plus my hill training run on Monday (which might I add really really sucked). Today I could barely walk. I looked like Frankenstein's monster after a round of jager bombs. Over the course of the day it has gotten a bit better though. So now I am debating if I should even attempt running tomorrow. Prior experience tells me if I don't run it will probably get better ,but prior experience also tells me if I don't run I will get back to 300lbs in a matter of a couple months. I initially said this blog wasn't really about my weight, but the more I write the more it seems I gravitate towards the topic. I mean seriously the title of the blog is slow fat runner who am I kidding FAT is right in the middle, it obviously should be a part of the blog.
Anyway lets get back to the topic at hand. My knee hurts and I still want to run damn maybe I really am becoming a real runner.It's either a aggravation of the old knee injury or quite possibly it's something new like iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) check the link for a definition I'm lazy and have no urge to explain it.Lets just say running hills = bad frakking idea (yes that was a Battlestar Galactica reference). I once read where Steve Prefontaine despite a foot injury and stitches, won the NCAA 3-mile in a record time of 13:22.0. That would make me think it's simply a matter of mind over pain. The question is am I tough enough? Check back to find out because even I'm not sure. Watch the video below it makes a fat man proud. Like I always say don't underestimate a fat man because if he's motivated (by a twinkie) he just might surprise you.