Weight: 253 Lbs
Miles Ran 2012: 276.9
Davis Creek area
Sitting here at this crappy Days Inn (Note to self, never procrastinate when doing a large scale race.)I guess a few prerace notes are in order. Well since last I wrote a few things have happened. I ran with a group for the first time and I ran my longest distance ever with no music. This past Saturday I ran a popular trail (Davis Creek) with three friends. It has outstanding scenery, great wildlife and wicked hills. It even has a cool suspension bridge to run over. We ran eleven miles and it was very fun. I was pushed out of my comfort zone and actually had to talk to people. Which is hard to do while running but not impossible. I found it actually comforting to have others to share my pain with. When you're running with someone you feel free to talk about stuff you might never talk about with others. Personal stuff;good stuff, bad stuff and the stuff that ultimately makes you human. Now to actually get to all that stuff you need to be able to hear, which calls for no music. I have always hated running without the buds. I only do it occasionally to hear my foot strikes and to gauge my breathing but otherwise it's strictly AC/DC, Rage Against the Machine and dance music unless it's long runs and then who knows what might pop up on my playlist. I've had days where Michael Buble has come on right after Tupac. Back to the talking, I didn't miss the music because of the conversation and honestly I think I gained something from being able to hear nature and the water rushing down the river and all that jazz. It was all in all a excellent adventure.

Tomorrow I will be running my first half marathon at the
Illinois Marathon. I have my race haircut so I better be fast. It will probably be windy, rainy and cold. I don't care though. I came down here to complete a goal and that's exactly what is going to happen. This has been a interesting journey full of ups and downs. I have grown a lot through this experience and know that I can do anything that I put my mind to now.I wish I had spent more time cross training and paid a bit more attention to my food intake(I missed my goal by three freaking pounds) but oh well it's now or never time to put up or shut up. I'm going to bed now tomorrow is going to be a long day.
The Slow Fat Runner
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