Weight: 265 lbs
Miles Ran in 2012: 64.9 (129.5 after further review 3/19/12)
Boxes of Girl Scout Cookies devoured: 8 (ALL GREAT)
This morning I set another personal best (distance). Eight miles in 83:20. Not fast by anyone's standards but the distance was what was real important. I never thought I could run that long. I'm just so amazed at myself. Coolest thing about it was when Eminem's Lose Yourself came on at the very end. It was like some runner God inspirational moment. Sometimes that shuffle really knows how to pick songs! I have never felt this good about myself. I mean NEVER. The sense of accomplishment is honestly just overwhelming me. Next Sunday I'm supposed to step back to run a 10k but I really don't want to. I really want to just push myself further every day. Although I am proud to have reached the eight mile mark I am also kinda pissed off about my pace. I believe I could have run those eight miles in 80 minutes, but I was so scared of the distance that I ran a eleven minute mile pace for the first four miles. Live and learn.Now time for some pain management.
I meant to bring this up last week. I took a ice bath for the first time. This chilly torture was very necessary. My "coach" Laurie suggested that I take the bath's occasionally to alleviate the pain. She referenced this great Runner's World article on inflammation response to explain why it works. Check it out here. My favorite runner Meb Keflezighi takes a modified ice bath after his runs. He steps into a cool stream on his property and stands there in waist high water for 15 minutes. My experience wasn't as beautiful as his probably is. First I had to squeeze my fat 6'2" frame into my tiny bathtub add cold water and a bag of ice. While sitting there listening to Dave Matthews Band I thought to myself "Is this really worth all this pain" I did enjoy a beer though while I froze my marbles off. Like George Costanza said on Seinfeld you have to be careful of shrinkage.
Next weekend I will be in Las Vegas so I am debating running on the strip or even running at all.. It's so busy there and dirty for that matter. Who knows I might and I might not. It will definitely be a different experience if I do. While out there my wife and I will be renewing our vows and having a great time of debauchery and drunkeness. Culmination of a good ten years.So hopefully I will even be able to run. That's it for now stay tuned more adventures in fat running.